Ev. Mhugo Hantish the sound of worship. 22 Julai · Rudewa, Ruvuma · 10 tips for singers to keep voices at prime. Ev. Mhugo Hantish the sound of worship. Ev Mhugo View all Last updated Sun 23rd 7 2017 The following tips help singers to keep their voice in good shape 1) Drink up to 8-10 glasses of pure water every day (any caffeinated drink does not count) Water thins your mucus and lubricates your vocal cords like oil lubricates a car engine. Thick mucous causes friction and trauma to vocal cords. More water, less friction, less trauma, better voice. 2) Warm up your voice regularly Simple warm ups are recommended, especially for auditions and performances (just as runners warm up for a marathon). Better yet, take a classical music approach: do glissandos (descending scales) and staccatos (punctuated breathing exercises) and messadivoce (controlling intensity of volume). 3) Take vocal "naps" Your voice needs a rest, just like you do. So, find quiet ...